
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I Think I Can, I Think I Can!

So.  I have started so many posts over the last few weeks and never gotten anywhere with them.  And by started, I mean like there are about 3 sentences and then someone needs something, or it's dinner time, or I fall asleep or whatever.  And then I come back to them and those 3 sentences don't make any sense. I can't remember what I was going to tell you and I give up and go take a nap.  True Story.

But.  Today, that is not going to happen.  I just had a smoothie, out of a great new smoothie cup a dear friend sent me (you know, one of those trendy, "I am not a plastic cup" plastic cups.  Really, don't judge, I wanted it for the straw.  Smoothies just don't work out of a travel mug.)

Where was I?  See what I mean?  Oh yeah, so I just had a smoothie, Noah said he would cover dinner tonight and so I should be able to make some sense out of what I am writing.  Maybe.

So, since so much has happened and I don't seem to have the attention span to tackle it all in depth, here we go with the bullet points.

  • I got a smoothie cup!  Really, I am that excited about it! Now I can make a smoothie in the morning and drink it on our walk to school!  So cool!  It will also be fun for iced coffee!  And goodness knows I need lids just like my kids!
  • Iced Coffee.  I made it again this last week and it was every bit as good as I remembered.  Oh, and for those of you who care, yes, I used decaf.
  • By the way, did you know there is only one brand of decaf coffee in the entire country?  Yeah, and it would be the most expensive brand, now wouldn't it?
  • My birthday was last week, and thank you to all who sent such sweet gifts!  You are making sure I won't look out of place when we are back in MI in May.
  • Yeah, 9 weeks!  Just 9 weeks left and we will be on our way back to MI for the summer!  What in the world!
  • I need to hunt down some berries this week at the Feria.  Mango and bananas are fine, but seriously, I need me some berries.
  • Remember the post about our need for housing this summer?  Yeah, totally taken care of!  And just the icing on the cake, it's 5 minutes from one of my best friends!  
  • Remember the post about our need for a vehicle for the summer?  Yeah, we are still in need of one.  Anybody got any ideas?
  • I realized just the other day that this summer, that right now seems so long and endless and empty, is really going to be anything but long and endless and empty.  We need to get cracking on setting up times to talk with churches and supporters.  We also need to work on some more support raising, and then there is the whole having a baby thing!  Ha!  and this and that and oh yeah, the boys want to go fishing, and camping, and well, before you know it it will be the end of September.
Ok.  There.  I got something written down, and while it isn't full of lovely thoughts and photos, sometimes you just need to get the ball rolling again.  Have a great night folks!

1 comment:

  1. I was just changing a diaper and thinking of you. (Cloth diapers being the only connection between you and a diaper, I promise!) Life gets busy. Mama's need sleep. Blogging will always be here - though I confess that I miss your posts.


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