Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Yellow Raincoat

Monday was the exciting IKEA shopping trip!  What a blast.  I think by the end of the day we had 9 or 10 shopping carts piled high with handcrafts supplies for the summer.  There is really no way one person could that trip!

A new stop this year was a Goodwill just down the road.  We all enjoy a good Goodwill or Salvation Army, but there aren't too many up in our area.  I had just gone through the boys' summer clothes and shoes and had a list of what they needed.  I had been looking on ebay for a rain coat for Forrest and had put out the word on Facebook to no avail.

As we were walking into the store, I stopped and prayed, "God, please let there be a 5/6 T raincoat.  Please!  And yellow would be best, and if not yellow, blue?"

I walked right over to the kids' coats and this is what I found.

Yep, a yellow 5/6 T rain coat!  For $4!  I almost cried.  I know, how silly can you get, right?  But to me it was so much more than just a raincoat.  It was God saying, "Honey, I love you.  And I am going to take care of you and your kids.  And I love to give you good gifts.  Like this raincoat."

Thanks God!


  1. YYYYEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!! I love it!


  2. A good gift indeed! God is so faithful!

  3. Laura J! I thought of you and the slide for Elizabeth...

  4. God is so good. What a blessing!!!! I have done that before, just a short prayer and how God comes through is awesome.
    Do you know we've never bought winter boots? The MINUTE someone outgrows them or we need a pair for the next winter I either see some at a resale shop for next to nothing in the EXACT size I need or someone at church comes into Ladies Bible study and says "I found these in our closet and if no one takes them they're going to Goodwill". That has happened twice now. Right size. Right gender.
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. I love when the Lord reminds us in the most tangible ways how much He loves us! Hooray for a yellow raincoat!

  6. He will take care of you. That's a promise He gives us.
    AND ... He will NEVER fail us.
    I'm so glad that you felt His hand Monday. :]

  7. I love how God shows love. In extravagant ways and in knowing the heart of a mother and providing something that seems so simple to others. Makes Him even cooler huh?
    I had a "raincoat" experience yesterday. Hannah needed boots. Bad. She has huge feet = lots of $$$. I had $20 in my wallet. Prayed and walked into Target. They had just marked the boots to %50. nice warm furry boots for $17.50. Hannah even squealed "they're even new!". yep, we shop resale A LOT. Thank you Lord for knowing us so well.

  8. Pam! That's fantastic! Yep, I love when He speaks to us in a way that is just between Him and us. No one else would think it was a love note, but we know! So glad you found boots for Hannah!

  9. Hello! I don't know you, but I was flipping through some blogs and ran across yours. I just thought I'd tell you how encouraging the couple entries that I read were! LOVE your story about the raincoat. God is SO good to us! It's so important to realize Him in every aspect of our lives. His hand is in every detail! Keep on keepin' on for our Lord and Saviour! It's HIS name that's at stake!

  10. Allyson! Glad you stopped by and glad you were encouraged! Come back soon!


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