Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weekend in Review

Alright.  This weekend was nuts.  My brother Joe was here for most of it, which was great becuase he helped with the boys while I was able to run tons of errands that are so hard with the boys.  I also got a fantastic delivery of 15 gallons of fresh milk, and just like canning season, it had to be dealt with it. 

Yesterday, all four of us headed to Alpena for the day.  We had to get fingerprinted for LAM, get the oil changed in the van and get the next month's worth of groceries.  Oh, and did I mention that my husband booked me a massage at the chiropractor for my birthday?  What a full good day!

Today is laundry day, with a healthy dose of cheese making thrown in there.

And yes, I realize I have to explain that process and still tell you the story of the boys haircuts.  But that will have to wait for another day.


  1. they boys are getting so big...they're so cute! sounds like a great day in town!

  2. Can't wait to hear about the milk, and "hello" to Travis,Muck, and Rolly...good to see some more Bob the Builder fans out there.


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