Friday, February 5, 2010

Night Time Solution

I am sure by now, most of you know that we use cloth diapers.  I am so thankful for the handmedown Fuzzi Bunz we were given when Forrest was just four months old.  I don't think I would have ventured down that road otherwise.  When we knew that Elliot was on the way, we bought second hand large Fuzzi Bunz and they have served us well.  Actually, of all my chores, washing the diapers is one of my favorites.  Not entirely sure why, but it is.

But we have always had problems at night.  Both boys consistently leak through double stuffed cloth diapers at night.  So since the beginning we have use disposables at night.  And while I am starting to investigate hemp liners, we haven't taken the plunge on those yet.  They are a bit pricey.

About a year ago, Forrest started to leak through the disposable diapers.  I hate knowing they are sleeping in soaking wet jammies.  So awful!  And the extra laundry was a real pain too.  I really don't think that kid goes potty unless he is in his crib.  That's going to be fanatic for potty training, if we ever get around to that!  But that is an entirely different topic for an entriely different post.  Anyway. 

My mom, being the mom genius that she is, suggested using depends as a diaper liner.  And what do you know, no leaks!  She even managed to score 200 of them on craigslist for just $20.  We are now using them with both boys, and until I figure out a good cloth alternative, that's what we'll be doing.

And there you have it.  A post about using pee pads to increase diaper absorbency.  But I figured, hey, if I needed to know it, there just might be someone else out there in need of this information too.  Consider yourselves informed.


  1. ha! :) too funny!
    for what it's worth, i really like our hemp, and we really didn't have to buy too many. i think we bought 5? just enough to get through a 3 nights and do laundry again.. and i think i like doing diapers the best as well! :)

  2. ha! :) too funny!
    for what it's worth, i really like our hemp, and we really didn't have to buy too many. i think we bought 5? just enough to get through a 3 nights and do laundry again.. and i think i like doing diapers the best as well! :)

  3. i liked doing diapers too. something about white diapers hanging on the clothesline that makes ya feel wholesome! i used to schedule diaper hanging during nap time and so did my neighbor friends. we would all go to our backyards at the same time each day and vent and laugh and encourage each other and go forth in motherhood. kinda like women at the well. enjoy1

  4. good idea on the depends! i never thought about that. i enjoy washing diapers, too. the problem i have with fuzzi bunz right now is the size small is now too small for nadia, but the medium is too big (ie, she's peeing right out the leg hole). ugh! i see they now have a one size diaper that has adjustable elastic.


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