Friday, August 14, 2009

A Whole Lot of Nothing

So, I am discovering that, while I don't mind other people's blogs without pictures, I don't like mine without. I hope my camera comes soon!

Anyway. My dear friend Susanne is here for a couple of days and we having a great time, thus not much blogging. Today we went to get a bushel and a half of peaches. Much to my delight and her dismay, they won't be ready to can for about a week. She starts school preparations in about a week. I however will be on vacation next week and just about the time the peaches are ready, so will I.

She was also gracious enough to help me do a big grocery run today with both boys. Quite the feat, one I have not attempted with the boys by myself yet. I would like to keep it that way.

Now, some are sleeping, some are reading, and I thought I would do a quite blog stop. Next up for me, a nap.

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