
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

School in the USA

We've been asked a lot about what our boys are doing for school here in the States for our time here. that's a story of God going before us!

We knew we wanted to them to have at least a full semester at school.  It just feels like with the transition of everything, at least they could start at a natural starting point instead of halfway though the semester.  We also knew there was a public school very close to the house we stay in. There was also the option of a local Christian school that offers a Spanish Immersion kindergarten program.

So we prayed about what would be best for both Forrest and Elliot.  We thought that maybe it would be best for Elliot to be in the Spanish Immersion kindergarten because it would be a safe environment for him to really dig into Spanish.  But that program is really hard to get accepted into and since it's at a private school there is the tuition thing, and well...

Back in June, someone mentioned to me that the public school district in this area was starting their own Spanish Immersion program.  Huh.  Thanks to the amaziness of the interwebs, I discovered that indeed there was going to be Spanish Immersion, and get this!  The Kindergarten and 2nd grade classes were going to be at the building closest to our house!  I am not kidding!

I emailed the coordinator and explained our situation and she said "yes!  absolutely!  Your kids sound like a great fit for the program!"

So.  Both boys are at the same building, which is literally a 2 minute walk through the church parking lot, in rooms full of other kids who are all non native Spanish speakers, and they are doing great!  It's been so great for Forrest to continue with his Spanish (he's right on target with his class, and in some ways ahead of them language wise)  and for Elliot to start formal schooling and language learning.  While he was in daycare all in Spanish while we in language school, it's been and while and he doesn't get much Spanish at home with me at home.

 Can I just tell you, he is so happy?  He was very ready to start school and is doing great!  And because all the other kids in his class are brand new to Spanish, the whole day is built around teaching them a second language.  We are just thrilled!

Yep, God wasn't kidding with me.  He did go before us!

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