
Monday, January 12, 2015

About a Month

Well.  Where to start?  We've been in the United States now for almost a month and it's just...well, I am really not sure if there is a word or phrase to sum this all up.  It's been...

Strange:  Someone from Brazil recently mentioned to us that when she goes to Brazil the first two days she feels like she is having an out of body experiece.  Both Noah and I said "that's it!"  Those first days are so strange.  Everything is so familiar (like the homes we grew up in) and yet we haven't set foot in them in 2 1/2 years.  The silverware is still in the same drawers, the extra toliet paper is still in the cupboard in the bathroom, and yet, it all seems forgien somehow.  Strange. Just strange.

Amazing:  We were able to spend Christmas with both sides of the family, to just enjoy being together, to spend time talking and laughing and sleeping and eating.  We haven't been able to do that in a very long time and it was amazing!

Confusing: Things have changed here in the US since the last time we were here.  Biggest change we've noticed so far?  EVERYONE has a smart phone now, and they do some amazing things.  Like you can get coupons from a text!  I was at Target and saw a sign next to the clearance section that said "text this code to this number for another 25% off clearnace."  What?  That wasn't a thing when we were here 2 1/3 yeas ago.  We sorta feel like we are playing catch up in this area.  And just with technology in general!  That's why there aren't any photos with this post!

Good: The big boys started school last week.  It has been good!  They are in a Spanish Immersion program here at the local public school that is a block from our house.  The first three days were really good.  They came home each day full of stories and interesting things they have been learning.  They also discovered the joy of a snow day!!  And then another snow day!  When I told them last night that today was school they both said "welllll, maybe there will be another snow day!"  Ha!  They catch on quick!

Uncertain:  We're still trying to figure out what life will look like while we are here.  It's strange having both big boys at school and Noah working from home each day.  We're realizing our more busy times will be the weekends and nights, and that somewhat different from our life in Costa Rica.  So we're trying to find what will work for us. 

Sad:  Not that we are sad to be in in Michigan, but more like we are sad to not be in Costa Rica.  There has been a definate switch in how the boys talk about Costa Rica in the last week.  When we first got to Michigan they said things like "we live in Michigan.  We're from Michigan."  Now they say that Costa Rica is where we live and that is home.  Which is a good thing, but we've all been a bit emotional about being away from home.

So.  It's a mixed bag.  But we're thankful to be in a warm house close to family and friends and the library and school.  And we're thankful for the fact that we will be heading back to Costa Rica and for our time here too.  So yeah, there isn't just one word to sum this all up!


  1. Just catching up on blog reading this morning and realized that I missed this earlier in the week. Praying for you guys - hopefully you can find your new normal at least a month before you head to your other home. :) Normal is always changing, isn't it? Your take on technology sobers me a bit - at this point I have been using the coupons on my smartphone for about a year and I can't believe that I ever didn't have it. Yet to think that it's something that has only been happening within the last 2 1/2 years is kind of seemed like EVERYONE had one long before I did!

    1. Ha! Yeah, I would say bout 30% of the people we knew 3 years ago had a smart phone. I feel like EVERYONE does now! And while there are smartphones in CR, there aren't coupons of any kind :)


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