
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Baby Reed Update

Wow!! Thank you all so much for praying for Chester, Jenelle and Baby Reed!!

Just to give you a quick update, this is what his parents wrote right after the surgery:

This is Chester again. I just want to thank all of you who have been holding up our little Reed in prayer. The past few days (almost a week now) have been a tremendous roller coaster ride of emotions. Bouncing from being very hopeful of Reed's recovery to beginning the grieving process of losing him. I sense God has already used this in our lives by bringing us to our breaking point and then showing himself strong. Praise God and I hope he receives the glory from this!  Obviously we don't know what all lies ahead for Reed and what challenges may encounter. Please pray for Reed's continued recovery... he is still on some critical life support.
As you've heard from Reed's latest update, he has survived the surgery of placing the dialysis catheter! He miraculously began urinating!!! Most recently his dialysis has been going very well!! We hope this is a huge game changer now for Reed's recovery.
So all that to say God has seriously intervened! Praise the Lord for working in such a powerful way! I asked the nurse today if there was any urine showing in the bladder on the last ultrasound and she said there wasn't. Now he's urinating!!! Again praise God for intervening on Reed's behalf. Thank you all for praying!!!

Big sister holding Reed's hand

And this is what they wrote this morning:

We just went and and saw Reed. The nurses said he had a great night. And looks a lot better than he did last night before the surgery. His vent levels went down, he didn't need any blood products (which may indicate that his liver is functioning), he had 55 ml of urine (amazing because his kidney levels still show he is in kidney failure), and the dialysis was able to remove a lot of excess fluid. We have so many things to be thankful for today. I spent the night praising God for who He is and what he has been doing in our little Reed. It was a nice change to the pleading that we had been doing. If you want to pray specifically, pray that we can get him started on nutrition, that they can keep turning down the vent settings, that the dialysis keeps getting fluid off and that his blood levels stay stable. We can not thank you all enough for all of your prayers. We are so thankful we are not walking this road alone.

Guys, you all blow me away!!  You don't even know this family, and yet so many of you have let me know you are praying for them!  Thank you! 

1 comment:

  1. Praying for Baby Reed. He is a miracle. God is telling something.


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