Monday, May 23, 2011

Mango Pie

So, we've been doing some adjusting of eating habits around here.  You know, switching from apples to pineapples because pineapples, like the whole, fresh beautiful thing, is 80 cents.  Apples, yeah, they would be $2USD a pound.  And they don't look great either.

Anyway, it's mango season, and while I must admit, I am not wild about mangoes (they are good once in a while...I really do like them better green I think), they are in abundance and seem to be something that could be made into something somewhat familiar.  And I need a bit of creating to keep me sane.  So while the studying is in abundance around here, to bake something for my family is needed.

I put a call out to my tropical friends for a mango pie recipe, and the consensuses from those who know seems to be follow a peach pie recipe.  And that's what I did.  Here's the recipe for those of you who find themselves with an abundance of cheap mangoes. 

Mango Pie
Double pie crust
Mangoes to fill pie crust, peeled, sliced to the size of peach quarters.  (oh, and FYI, if you allergic to poison ivy, be careful.  Some can eat them, but not touch the skin.  Some can eat them, but not touch the sap.  Some can't eat them, or touch them, or breath the pollen!)
1/2 c. sugar
3 tbsp. flour
Half a limon squeezed

Basically, do what you think.  Slice the mangoes, squeeze limon over it, put into bottom crust.  Sprinkle sugar and flour over it all.  Cover with top crust.  Bake at 375 for 40 minutes or so.  Although, since I don't really time anything, that's just a guess.  Check it...make sure it's done.  And then eat! 

Overall, our family gave it 3 1/2 thumbs up.  That's pretty good for a first attempt!  It was great warm out of the oven and on this rainy, cooler night, it made things feel sorta like a late summer night in Michigan when the fall weather is just beginning to whisper through the breeze.  A nice nod to the familiar with a healthy dose of the new.


  1. yay for a somewhat familiar taste of home! :) and i love that it's that cool crispy fall feel in the air. that's my favorite! :) how's elliot feeling?

  2. I am loving reading about your adventures. I read every post, but have only been getting online maybe 1-2 times a week so I go back and catch up!

  3. Jen, Elliot is as right as rain. How is Levi? Jenney, yeah, cause you don't have anything else going on in your life! Ha! How are you feeling?


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