Saturday, May 22, 2010

Gnats and Growing Up

Ok, do you see those nasty bugs?  Forrest has taken to running for a hat before we go outside because, in his words, "I hate those bugs!  They get in my eyes and my ears!"

We try to combat them with hats, and gnat hands (gnats seem to want to go to the highest place, sorta) but they really are gross.  Poor Elliot kept rubbing his eyes tonight while we watched Noah catch at the zipline. 

And in a fine example of being 3, Forrest got to sit on the bench and watch Dad even after Mom and Elliot had to go home.  What a big kid he's getting to be!  Elliot realized it too and was mad the whole way home, knowing that he was heading to bed.  These kids are too stinking smart for me!

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