Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Staff

I realized this morning that I haven't talked much about the summer staff this year. This photo was taken 4 weeks ago. They were all fresh faced and ready for whatever might come their way. While they look a little more bleary eyed today, they are now seasoned veterans, having successfully come through 3 full weeks of camp.

Today they will get their 4th group of campers. Pray that they will remember the excitement they had when this photo was taken, and that they will pace themselves. They still have 6 more weeks after this one! August 16th is still a ways off.

Pray too for the campers on the big green buses. They are on them right now, some scared, some nervous, some so stinking excited they can't keep still. This is their one week of camp this summer. Pray that God will speak to them.

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