Friday, August 22, 2008

A Week of Wonder

At the risk of this post dragging on for years, and losing everyone's interest quickly, I will try to keep it brief.

This last week we spent on Folly Beach in South Carolina. Folly Beach is an island off the coast of Charleston and every few years my Dad's family gets together there. It worked out that our week off from camp coincided with the reunion, and we were also able to get a great deal on airline tickets so we could fly instead of the insanity of 4 10 hour days in a car with a 16 month old!

We stayed in a funky old beach house and enjoyed time with a whole lot of loud and crazy relatives. There was swimming, boogie boarding, turtle nest watching, eating, crab catching, eating, laughing, yelling, eating, sleeping, and eating.
He loved the little rocking chair on the screened in porch

Forrest spent a lot of the week without diapers because
he played in the "wa wa" so much

Forrest got spoiled with naps this week. He took a lot
of them with Buelo or Buela. We'll be retraining this week.

My Uncle bought a crab trap and we spent a good part of the week
setting it in the marsh behind their house and waiting of the blue crabs to come.
We actually caught a lot and my cousin made yummy crab cakes several times.
I even learned how to "shuck" a crab. I thought you only shucked corn!

Noah the biologist studying the crabs with a cousin and my uncle

We also made a trip to the Aquarium and while it isn't the best one around, it was a good size for Forrest.

Checking out the starfish and sea urchins

A huge tank you could walk up to full of fish

Walking to the playground with Tia "Bo Bo" and Uncle Jo Jo

The big news of the week is that Forrest learned how to walk! Hurray! That meant I went to Walmart and got his "Mono" (Monkey for those who don't speak Espanol) I know some people view putting a leash on your child cruel, but it works for us. And with the airports ahead of us, seemed like a good investment.

Check out those mad skills

On the way home in Atlanta. He wouldn't sit still.
It paid off, he slept through
both flights!


  1. so glad your trip was nice, and fun that he started walking with all those family there to see it! hooray hooray!!! enjoy a few days a rest before the fall season begins! :)

  2. love all the pictures! so fun forrest is's a whole new world now!

  3. i DO enjoy canning. I am tired so it's hard, but I try to do it the morning when I have more energy.. once 2 hits, I'm out for the day! :) We have a HUGE garden in the summer... we have 16 tomato plants in right now.. so yeah, that's just a few tomatoes :)


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