Wednesday, July 16, 2008

To Do

1. Unload Dishwasher/load it

2. Rotate laundry
I have recently noticed that a good chunk of my life is occupied by loading, unloading, or fixing some sort of machine.

3. Fold laundry/put away
Why is this never done! It's like weeds, dirty laundry just grows and takes over if you aren't careful.

4. Update contact mailing list
Something that should have been done 6 months ago

5. Print Kamper Update letter and send out
Something that should have been done 3 months ago, can you tell I am behind?

6. Clean out filing cabinet
Something that should have been done last year!

Exciting stuff for a Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. i feel you on the laundry issue! good luck getting everything done!


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