
Saturday, December 12, 2015



When I sent my computer off on it's international trip July 15th, I knew it would be a while before I would be blogging again.  I thought I would get my machine back in early September.  Turned out I didn't get it until late October. 

And then.  Well, there really isn't an excuse for not showing up here.  But maybe since I've been at this blog thing since 2008, we'll call this six months off a sabbatical of sorts?  Yeah, let's go with that.

I am not even going to attempt to do a hodgepodge post of all that has gone on since July.  Not only is my brain in pregnancy fog, but I think it would be too long and too boring for anyone to bother reading.  So.  Sorry, you'll just miss those six months.

But now, let us let go of the former things and press on towards what is ahead. 
We are pulling out all the stops this year because 1) we aren't going anywhere and 2) no one is coming here and 3) we were able to bring all manner of Christmas fun from the States this time around. 

We happen to live right where all the cedar Christmas tree farms are.  To find our tree, it was literally 15 minutes from our door, to get the tree to back to our house.   Elliot decided this was the most huggable tree in the field so we took it!

After too many years to count we have ornaments on our tree!  The boys had a blast decorating it and the results weren't too bad.

The big boys finished school on Friday and are off until January 11th, so now we can focus on cookie decorating, creating and playing and blowing off some steam!

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