
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Three Weeks

Three weeks in.  Feels like we've been back a lot longer than just three weeks.

We've done a lot in that amount of time.  And there is a lot more to do to really truly be settled again.  There are still piles of things to sort and put away, we still need to register the boys for school that starts in a month, still need to restock the panty supplies fully.

But we are on the way.  I think all the bags are unpacked even though there is still stuff to put away.  The big projects are mostly done, with the exception of staining and vanishing the shelves and cabinet.

Oh, and just for the record, if you are planning on moving internationally, don't do it three days before Father's Day and a birthday.  Honestly, we've done Father's Day, Quinn's Birthday, Noah's Birthday since we've been back!  That's a lot! We totally skipped out on the 4th of July this year, much to the disappointment of several of us, me included!  Oh well, live and learn.

I think our hearts have caught up to our bodies for the most part.  It's been a bit rockier of a transition than I was anticipating. But boy, have we've so enjoyed being back at church each weekend,  and being part of our community here!  Noah's been in the office this week some, and it's been good to get back in the swing of things.

I'm hopeful that by August, when the big boys start school again, we'll be resettled.

And with that, this might be the last blog post for a while.  My computer decided to act up three weeks after being in Costa Rica, which means it gets a trip to California tomorrow, then to the repair shop, then to Illinois and then back to Costa Rica in September!  Yikes!  That's a long time without it!! Not sure how well I can blog on a tablet or phone, so we'll see ya when we see ya.

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