
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Baptism and Church Picnic

Oh last weekend was so fun!!  On Sunday we had our annual baptism service and we added a picnic into the mix too!

Noah taught the class for those who wanted to be baptized, which included Forrest!!   After the baptisms, people came and prayed for Forrest and the others and gave them encouraging words or verses.  What a sweet time!

A little background on our actual church building.  Union first was started as an English speaking congregation.  It has since morphed into about 90% Tico with a handful of international people thrown in.  Our Sunday service is mostly in Spanish and then is translated into English.  Anyway, all that to say, we actually have a baptismal, which is not the norm here.

After the service we had a picnic.  There was some risk involved in this because after all, it's rainy season here!  But the rain held off and actually it turned out to be a lovely day!!  But we really wanted to celebrate the baptisms and just be a family together.  Noah and I worked to coordinate the picnic, put together the decorations and plan and run some of the games.

This idea of a potluck was a new one to most people here, so we worked hard to communicate that you need to bring enough for your family and to share.  And boy did they bring enough!

Since we're an international body, we thought it would be fun to have people bring food from their background.  My friend Sujin, who is from South Korea, brought sushi!! Another family brought bread from their native Columbia.  I brought a pasta casserole and a pie, because nothing says Midwest more than casserole and pie.  Maybe I should have brought a jello salad too!

We had cornhole out for people to play, tarp toss, and I found coffee bags for sack races. And of course there was a pick up soccer game!

It was such a great time of just being together as a family, sharing food, laughing at the kids and enjoying each other!

1 comment:

  1. This community seems so welcoming and cute! I have always loved the culture, Thanks for sharing :)


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