
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

This and That

Yep, we're resorting to bullet points.  Don't judge.

  • After two days of working on letters and sounds, Elliot became a reader!  Love this kid!

  • I have been working on tons of projects for church!  We have a picnic coming up in a few weeks, so we've been painting and building outdoor games, sewing buntings, and figuring out relay races.  
  • I am also neck deep in fabric to make new table clothes for church.
  • We're working on plans to give the kitchenette at church a make over.  Fun stuff!!

  • I started tutoring for my Spanish again.  It's been painful, but good.  This language learning, it's a life long process I tell ya!
  • A few weeks ago, we found a desk for a steal!  After way too long of using the kitchen table as a desk, I have one again!!

  • For Mother's Day (August 15, yep, it's different) the boys and Noah got me a hose and a nozzle!! So excited!

  • Our neighbors, can I just tell you how wonderful they are?  Not only do they go along with almost every hair brained scheme we come up with, they take our kid to school, and bring us food, they also have a sweet fire pit and understand the importance of living in community and taking time!!

  • We've started to think more about getting ready for our Home Ministry Assignment (furlough) that will start in December.  I've got really mixed emotions about that. On one hand, we're all very excited to see family and friends we haven't seen in over 2 years.  On the other hand, we are going to desperately miss our friends, church, and neighbors here!  Sigh.  This living with your heart in two places is hard. 

  • Speaking of being in MI, if you know of anyone who has a car/van/something that will hold a family of 5 that needs to be driven, we're looking for a vehicle for that 6 months. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm a bullet point lover, so no judgment here. :) I always appreciate your updates Liz and I think I can understand how hard it would be to live with your heart in two places. Not wanting to leave the friends and momentum that you have in CR yet needing to be near your loved ones. Argh, this earthly life isn't easy. I cannot believe how big your guys are getting! Elliott reading? No way!


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