
Monday, January 27, 2014


Ummmm, hello?

Yeah, welcome to Week 4 of Summer Camp, the time of year when we try to accomplish normal life like having a kid in school and do the insanity that is camp!  It's been an interesting season for sure!  Full of a lot of good things, some hard things, some weird things, and some just normal things.  But we are tired and looking forward to next week, when Noah will be home.

So in an effort to get caught up, we're going to do one of those bullet point posts.

  • Did I mention we're starting Week 4 of Camp?  We are.  I think I've said this before, but while the camp weeks are shorter and the season itself is shorter, it's harder on our family than Barakel.  I think there are a lot of reasons for this, including: We don't live at camp, I can't just put the kids in the stroller and go into camp, I still have to cook, Forrest has school everyday, and because we have weekends free, there is a temptation to try and do "normal" life too.  We about killed ourselves last January trying to do both.

  • Forrest is back at school after  4 week Christmas break.  School + Summer Camp = hard. 

  • I made my most expensive language mistake to date.  I thought the robotics class for Forrest was $60 for the semester.  Turns out, it's $60 a MONTH for the semester.  Yeah.  matricula and mensual are very, very different words.
  • I got  new to me cast iron skillet and I love it!  I don't know why it took me 10 years to get one.  Anyway, it hangs above my stove and it's lovely. 

  • I have been revamping the house.  The playpen is now put away sand the kids table and chairs are in the kitchen.  I bought two end tables from the same family as the skillet and use one for desk type stuff in the kitchen, and we took apart a desk that Noah was "using" and now a bit more space in the living room.  We also turned the kitchen table the other direction and for  40 cents I bought 12 cup hooks and revamped where the mugs and coffee things go.   

  • I finally (it only took 3 years to have the mental wherewithal to find the necessary components for this project) made a blackboard!  I love how it turned out and today I am going to make two smaller ones for the bigger boys' rooms.  I might also make one for the can never have too many blackboards.

  • Saturday the boys and Noah had a water balloon fight.  And when I say "the boys" I mean Forrest and Elliot.  Quinn tried playing with some water balloons, but every time
    they broke and he got wet he cried.  He needs a bit more time before he understands this is suppose to be fun.

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