I feel like this year we had a lot of different celebrations that spanned the whole of December.
It started with Forrest's school Christmas Program at the begining of December. It was a typical Christmas program, with kids picking their noses, and giggling and looking uncomforatable. Forrest's part was to help sing the caroles that fit in at different parts of the story. It's no secret I am not a fan of kids' programs. I made myself a peppermint lattle to take with me, and that did help. But the best part of the night was the real live up in the air fireworks after the program! How cool is that?!
We also had a camp Christmas party again this year. It was basically a time for families to enjoy the camp facilities. I was still getting over a nasty cold, so that led to a long day, but the boys enjoyed the parachute, and the piñata. It cracks me up how into piñatas even the adults get, diving for the candy and everything. And what fun, this piñata even had "snow"!
This day was also significant because Quinn has offically transitioned to walking everwhere and so we broke out the real sneakers. He did just fine.
Then, the Sunday before Christmas, we had a party after church. There were tamales (the traditional Christmas food).
and candy, and baked goods, and stuffed animals and mugs full of chocolates and bags full of goodies and overall, the boys had a blast!
When I asked if this is something that happens every year, I was told by one of the elders "well, we pray about it and see what God wants." Have I mentioned how much we love our church?
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