
Thursday, November 21, 2013

On the Way to School

When I was a kid, my dad would ask us every night at dinner "what did you learn today?"  And like the normal kids we were, we said, "I don't know."  And then he would tell us he was going to make us do pushups.  And there was always some quoting from And to Think that I Saw it on Mulberry Street.

I realized that we really do see crazy things like this kid imagined.  Like  just last week, we saw a real, live, working ox cart.  The coffee harvest is upon us and the traditional vehicle of choice here is ox carts.  Remember this from a few years ago?

Yes, this was at a touristy type place, but you get the idea.

And then yesterday we saw smoke coming up from one of our neighborhood volcanos.  Yes, we have more than one neighborhood volcano.  And by the way, it's the same neighborhood volcano that Sony used to film this amazing video!

And then this morning, Forrest and Elliot were playing with stuffed animals in the car and I overheard Forrest say, "Elliot, your raccoon is a trashavore because it eats trash."  Bwahhahahah!!

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