
Friday, August 9, 2013

August Update

Greetings from
Rainy Costa Rica!

We just finished up  our 'winter' camping season here at Roblealto.  Yes, winter.  We know, we're still above the equator, but here it's rainy season and the temps are cooler.  We do have to laugh when we see people with wool hats, scarves and mittens on in balmy 70 degree weather with rain!
Our primary ministry is to los jovenes, the young adult volunteers at camp.  We get to invest in them so they can than impact others. As camp is over for the "winter," we are now focusing on special events for the volunteers, discovering new ways to connect with them and provide them with biblical training and beginning to think through the next camp season that starts in January.

We are so very grateful for the prayer and financial support from you all!  By supporting us, you are helping to impact the next generation of Costa Rican leaders with the message of the Gospel.

Noah was able to spend some time with Daniel, one of our former voluteers, who now serves as a missionary in Costa Rica working with impoverished kids.  It was a good time of catching up and Daniel commented he learned so much from Noah in just the short time he knew him and was grateful for his work at Camp.
Hard to believe it was just about a year ago that we were given the green light to move back to Costa Rica. We're so thankful to have partnered with many of you to be part of the work that God is doing here at Roblealto.  However, in this last year, we've seen our support level drop to about 92%.  This works out to about $500 a month.  Would you pray with us about this?  And if you have been wanting to get in on what God is doing at Camp Roblealto, let us know!  You can also donate online by clicking here.
Our July camping season was a great two weeks of fun, mud, laughter, and sharing the Gospel with kids from all over Costa Rica.  Check out the action with these videos from High school camp, Elementary camp and Preschool camp (and look for two super cute white kids in the preschool video)
There were several kids who came to Christ over the two weeks of camp,  including one girl who had attempted suicide before coming to camp!  Praise God!  Noah was  able to spend valuable time with the volunteers including 6 brand new ones which was a big answer to prayer. He washed dishes and weeded plants alongside them,  as well as taught the Word and encouraged them while they worked long hours during the camp season.
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