
Thursday, July 18, 2013


After two weeks (boy, it felt a lot longer than that!) We took a short vacation to the coast.  My Spanish tutor laughs at me when I tell him we're going to the beach, but not really to the beach, just to a hotel that over looks the beach.  "Gringos, they like to just look at the water."  he says.  Yep.

See there is this lovely little hotel we heard about through friends.  And it's perfect.  It's about an hour and half from our house.  It's small, has kitchens, has a lovely pool, a wonderful view, and well, it's just perfect.

And boy, did we need some time away.  This two weeks was intense, and part of me feels a bit whinny about it.  After all, we did 12 weeks every summer at Barakel, but well, this was just as hard, if not harder.  There are a lot of benefits to living at camp, and we don't here and it just makes it hard.

But this post is not about how hard camp was.  It's about how we were able to get away and enjoy each other and being together as a family.

And aside from the fact that Quinn refused to sleep the whole time we were away, it was great!  The big boys swam 9 hours a day, we brought good food with us and the weather was perfect for swimming (read HOT!)

And now we are rested (sorta ) and reconnected and ready for the next season of ministry. 


  1. GREAT pics! Glad you had a good time. Looks like a place I'd like to visit!

  2. LOVE Elliot's goggles! Yes, gringos love to look at water! Coming from Michigan I'm sure it's a comforting sight. :) Glad that you were able to just be together for a bit. Praying for you guys!


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