
Sunday, July 7, 2013

July Camp

The July camping season started this last week.  Ok, let me back up and explain a couple of things. 

Costa Rican schools start in February.  They run through December, with a break in July (about 2 weeks) and then a longer break in December and January.   So, our big camp season is in January with 4 weeks of camp and then we have 2 weeks in July. 

This meant the long hours we've had before, Noah going in at 5:30 am and not coming home until almost 11 pm.  I will say this, while the camp week was longer at Barakel, we see a lot less of Noah here because we don't live at camp.

But it was a good week.  Noah was able to spend a lot of time with the service kids, the 16 year olds who scrub dishes and toliets, to encourage them, as well as the counselors and other support staff.

As you think of us, pray with us for
  • the counselors, as they share the Gospel with the campers
  • For the the campers, counselors, and staff to hear the Heart of the Gospel and respond to it (well all need constant reminder of the Gospel)
  • For unity amongst the staff
  • For our big boys who will be day campers Monday and Tuesday.
  • For the boys and I as we do another long week without Noah around much
  • For Noah, energy, wisdom and grace as he works with everyone.
Thanks all!!

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