
Monday, February 4, 2013

Use You're Words

Ok.  I have noticed something around here lately.  It seems that I am the only one talking.  And while it is my blog and all, I would like some conversation, not just monologue.  Really.  You all are intelligent, smart, funny, witty people.  Use your words!

And here's the thing, a lot of you tell me "oh, I read your blog all the time but don't comment."

So I tell ya what I am going to do.  Bribe you.  Yes, I am not above bribing.

I am going to send one person a bag of genuine Costa Rican Coffee (regular or decaf, or if you really, really, really don't do coffee, maybe some hot chocolate, but really, you might like this coffee, it sure ain't your grandpa's Maxwell House, I promise!), straight from Costa Rica so you get to see all the fun postage and what not on it.  You might even get a post card included in the fun.

But here's the catch.  You have to use those smart, witty, intelligent words you all have and comment on this post in order to be eligiable for this fantastic prize.  So here's the rules:

1.  You can recieve one entry for comment on this post answering the question "What has been your favorite post at A Part of the Whole?"
2.  You can receive another entry for posting this to your facebook (let me know you've done it)
3.  You can receive another entry for blogging about this with a link to our blog. (Again, let me know if you've done it.)

I will use a fancy internet randomizer to pick a winner.  This contest will be open from today, Feburary 4th until this Friday, the 8th.  On the 8th, I'll close down the comments and annouce a winner.  If you win, you'll need to email me your addie so I can send you your café.

So, everybody got it?  Ok, start talking!!

UPDATE: This contest is now closed.  Thanks for stopping by.  Want to know who won?  Check out this post.


  1. My FAVORITE post? I can't choose one. I mean, I loved (enough to make) those pumpkins one year you made our of paper strips and then they can collapse for storage. Um, The first picture of Quinn you posted gave me major baby fever...I always love any posts about your house decorating or projects you've done. I'm not witty nor intelligent, and I probably should comment more often...I just usually real 3-4 posts at a time as I only get on Blogger once a week (or less). I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog :o)

  2. What about us? Can we win a bag of that costarican coffee? ;)

  3. bueno Fon, I think you should win some American tea! Especially since you don't drink coffee anyway :) But yes, if you really want it you can have some Costa Rican coffee :)

  4. You, my friend, are the witty and intelligent one! You want witty and intelligent from me? I am knee deep in the frustration of potty training Elizabeth and trying to explain to her that Reagan isn't always going to put up with her crap. My favorite posts have been the VIP Sale at the Hardware - way funny and even funnier knowing that it IS an actual portrait of small town life. Tim would love the coffee. Or perhaps we could host a 'Real' Costa Rican coffee tasting party and I could blog about it. :) That would be hot news in the little town, huh? :)

  5. I never comment because I tend to read on the fly....I check my fave blogs when I've got time and I am sure you understand!

    My fave blog post? I have a favorite type....where you get creative to solve a problem you have using your great creativity! I can't pick just one, which is why I decided to pick a favorite type!

  6. My favorite posts have been the ones that show and explain your homes...especially the ones in Costa Rica.

    I have been reading your blog for several years and really enjoy it. Since I'm not a coffee drinker, I've probably set myself up to win. I've become a magnet for Starbuck gift cards from all sorts of crazy sources. My nieces and nephews don't seem to mind. :-)

  7. Ok! For a bag of tea... XD My favorite post was the one about the cultural shock of going shopping here in Costa Rica and finding milk in boxes! :P (Milk in boxes... and in bags... weird right?) ;)

    1. Fon, are you making fun of me? I am pretty sure you are making fun of me! :) Just because you're whole life you have seen milk in boxes and bags doesn't mean you can make fun of the gringa ;)

  8. I feel like entering would just make me greedy since I have had the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful coffee with you, lol. Although, I love this idea! Good thinking Liz! :) This is some good coffee people! Think of this as a long distance coffee date with the Kampers ;)

  9. I just enjoy reading about the things the kids do. I really enjoy the age your boys are it.
    I,too,wish I had your creativity! Also,no coffee here but yes on choc! :)

    1. Cindy! Glad you came out of the woodwork :)

  10. Okay, I'm one of your mystery readers. I honestly don't even remember how I found your blog but I think it was through the LAM website. We too our LAM missionaries (in Arequipa, Peru), we too have a son named Elliott (different spelling I know), and we have a good friend who works at Roblealto (Adam Carlsen).
    That said, I enjoy seeing pics of your house up there in CR. I need to get some of that on our blog.
    And as far as coffee goes, as much as we love the stuff, I won't ask you to send us some. Not worth the hassle. :)
    ~ Kelsey Cantrall (

    1. Kelsey! Glad you showed your face...well, your name anyway :) And what a small world huh? I drank Peruvian coffee all summer while we were stateside, so I know you have good stuff there too!!

    2. Yes, they do have good Peruvian coffee but it's almost impossible to get your hands on. It's all exported. And that's not okay. Not okay whatsoever...

    3. Oh, and I'm not purposefully trying to come across like a creepy stalker. :) I just remember awhile back doing a Google search of our blog and all of my comments on random people's blog from forever ago showed up. It kind of weirded me out. I'll have to track you down on FB so you can see that I'm real (not normal by any means, but real). :)
      ~ Kelsey

  11. Hey Liz!

    I am one of the people who loves to read your blog but never comments. My current favorite blog posts are the homemade wipes recipe and your explanation of how you take care of your Fuzzibunz.

    1. Kelly!! How in the world are you doing! Great to hear from you!

  12. I'm a blog stalker! Love your posts about family life in another country!

  13. hmmm.. so many posts to choose from ;) you know, I'm all crunchy granola-y as well, so I enjoy any and all of those posts. :) I just enjoy you, and am thankful that even though you live in another part of the world, I can still keep in touch with you! Love you friend!

  14. I just love reading about your many adventures - cooking - missionary- kids. I don't comment back often b/c I am too tired to be witty!


You are clever, tell me whatcha think!