
Friday, October 5, 2012

Our New Ride

So here it is!

We have prayed so long for this vehicle.  For those of you who care about this sort of thing, it's a 1999 Toyota 4 Runner with a third row of seating.  No, they didn't sell  these in the states with that third row in 1999, but here they did.  And yes, it really sits that high off the ground, which is fantastic for where we live!  Our road is sorta paved.  And that's being generous.  Some time soon, I'll have to post a video of our road. 

Anyway.  We bought it from another missionary family who is leaving the country in a month, and they gave us a fantastic deal on it.  And when we went to sign the paperwork on it, the husband told us the story of how they got it.  They had been praying for a vehicle and God prompted a friend of theirs who had been a business woman to sell them this 4 Runner for what they could pay.  When they  got our email through the missionary networks, they realized that their vehicle met our description completely.  And they decided they wanted to pass on the blessing to us. 

Just before we drove away in it, they prayed for us and our ministry here.  How amazing!! 

We have been using it non stop since we took possession on Monday.  Thank you to those of you who prayed with us for this beast, and for those of you who donated so we could actually buy it!  Now just pray that we can really get the hang of driving here!

1 comment:

  1. It looks perfect! Praying for saftey as you drive in Costa Rica!


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