
Saturday, August 25, 2012

We're Glad to Turn Again

"To this blessed place,where Truth and Grace, from God's own word abound"

A couple of weeks ago now, (goodness, I am behind!) we spend a week at Camp Barakel.  You know, that place we called home for 4 years.  Noah was a high school week team leader, which if you've never been to a High School Week, means he was across between a mascot, a cheerleader, a coach, and your goofy older brother.

This year's theme was the election for the President of the United Sides of Camp Barakel.  Before we left, we made sure to stop at the Mission Store and get a suit, and a handful of ties.  Yep, those are now in the skit closet because I don't want to drag those all the way to Costa Rica.  But I am digressing.

Yes, this is a new way to play box hockey.

Here's Noah's campagin comericial.

Commercial - Noah Kamper from Camp Barakel High School Week on Vimeo.

See, you surely want to vote for him, right?

Noah was also able to share with the counselors during their circle time.  The boys and I did a lot of catching up with friends and just enjoying being in the woods again.  The hot weather finally broke and we were all caught a little off guard.  Noah hadn't even packed pants or a sweatshirt.  Silly man.  But we were able to borrow what we needed and life was good.

 It was so great to be around such sweet people again, being welcomed back into the work there. We're grateful for the opportunity to spend a week there this summer.  It was fun to see what the boys remembered, and what they were clueless on.  And it was neat to spend a week on East Side.  I hadn't been over there in the summer since I counseled way back in '01.

And now, if you are intrested, here's one more crazy video.  Look for me and the boys about half way through.

Camp Barakel 2012 Week Nine (High School) from Camp Barakel on Vimeo.

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