
Wednesday, September 28, 2011


  • It's been a rough week around here.  Lots of just hard life stuff that happens regardless of where in the world you live.  Parenting has hit a different level of intensity, and trying to figure out your kid needs is always a challenge!
  • I sat through 5 hours of grammar instruction today.  Yeah, to say my brain is fried is an understatement.  And when you start to learn that there a words that look the same, but mean completely different tenses you're brain starts to cry, just a little bit.  I feel like the further I get down this rabbit hole, the more lost I am.  There was something almost comforting about only being able to say things in the present tense.  Like, I wasn't responsible to sound like an adult because I didn't know how to speak at a higher level than a two year old.
  • I managed to find a notions store and a fabric store much closer to our house.  In fact, I can take the bus there (still haven't figured out the bus route back home.  How lame is that?)  But I manged to get some supplies for a few Christmas projects I need to get started on.
  • This weekend Noah and I are headed to a camp up in the mountains for the weekend.  Yeah, you read that right, Noah and I!  The boys are staying here with a dear couple that is on their way to Mexico.  Tony and Beverly have been so fun to be around, such a wealth of wisdom.  Tony has been a pastor for 20 something years and Beverly has spent the past 10 years as the director of a Crisis Pregnancy Center.  We are thrilled they are willing to watch the boys for the weekend and the boys are very excited to have them come.  
  • While we at La Cumbre, we will be observing a camp in session.  We are so excited about this!  It's always good to get other perspectives, to watch how other people do your job.  And this is great because it will be the first time we get an inside look at the programing aspect of a Latin American camp.  Oh, and did I mention we get to go on a canopy tour too?  Yeah, super excited about that tambien, errrr, as well.
  • Bought our plane tickets to MI for Christmas!  Super excited about that also!!  And if you know of a car that needs to be driven by a loving family for the month of December, would you get us a heads up?  We are still in need of transportation for the month that we are in MI.  Thanks!

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