
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Noah's First Ambush in Spanish

Yesterday we didn't have school because  the staff of ILE and Sojourn had a retreat day.  One of the things the organizers of the retreat did was play what amounted to an Ambush with all the of the staff.  Last week they asked in Chapel if anyone wanted to help with the games and of course Noah said yes.  Because, well, that was his job.  He said to one of the guys, "I can't help lead worship in chapel, but I can lead games!"

So all of us headed out at our normal time yesterday because well, the boys and I always go and watch Ambush!

And what fun!  The boys fell right into it, running from helping Noah to climbing on the playground back to helping Noah.  Of course the games were silly and exciting and a good time was had by all!  Check it out!

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