
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

July Newsletter

A Million Dollar Moment
What is worth more than a million dollars?
We are here in Costa Rica for a year preparing to be able to serve God in Honduras. Recently I have been amazed at how He is using our day to day lives now to impact people for eternity just by how He placed us on the street and neighborhood that He did.
We aren’t simply preparing to become missionaries; we are seeing how we are ones wherever we go. Our neighbor Alejandra has asked Liz if she would be interested in leading a Bible study to read the Bible and explain what it says to her and her family. God placed us on her street for a reason beyond needing to pay her for our rent and to ask how to order a pizza.

I have had the opportunity to develop a relationship with our guard, Lidubino. From day one when I told him my name and he said “oh like the Ark of Noah” we have talked about God and faith.  The other day a group of Jehovah’s witnesses came to the door. I was able to tell them, in my broken Spanish, how they need to have faith in only Jesus who is God and not in their works. After they left Lilito asked about them and I was able to explain the differences between their false misleading beliefs and the Truth found only in the Bible.

I believe God using our broken Spanish to speak truth into Alejandra’s and Lidubino’s lives. Recently he handed me a gospel tract in English he a friend have given him. It was the one that looks like a million dollar bill and asks the “million dollar question”.  I was able to translate it and share with him how everyone is a sinner and how to be saved.  

I am so very grateful that we are being trained to be able to share this Truth in another language while here in Costa Rica. Thank you for using the money that God has given you to prepare and send us.  We want you to know that already God is using your gifts to reach people with the gospel.

Pray for Alejandra and Lidubino. Pray for boldness for Liz and me as we represent Christ. I've asked Lidubino if he wanted to receive Christ and he flat out said no.  Pray that I would continue to have opportunities to talk with him.

Praise God, after I told Forrest that our guard said no he was really distraught and after thinking about it all morning out son came to us and said he wanted to pray to believe on Jesus. He did and we even got to go and share the good news of his spiritual birthday with the Lidubino!


To those of you who have never considered supporting us; we invite you to be a part of sharing this good news with people in Latin America who are confused about who God is, how He views them, and how to be saved.

Because of Him,

Noah and Liz Kamper

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