
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Goodbye (Maybe)

Tonight Elliot "gave up the BB" (binky).  It wasn't as if we planned this.  Are you kidding?!  We just moved him to a big bed like 2 weeks ago, and on Monday we are going to Honduras for 2 weeks.  I really can't think of a worse time to attempt to lose the BB. 

Except that we really did lose it.  We came to Costa Rica with three.  Then one got a small tear in it and ants got in the sucky part.  I threw it away.  And then there was two.  But tonight, when bed time came around, there was none to be found.  And it sorta just happened.  We weren't planning it, Elliot didn't like it at all, but it is what it is.

I gave him a rousing speech about what a big kid he was, how he falls asleep on the way home from school without it, Forrest even joined in telling Elliot that he too used to have a binky, and it was blue and then it was broken and he threw it away at Buela's.  And there was some mention of how much stronger (complete with muscle man moves he is now that he is 4).  But after all that girding up and admonishment, all Elliot could do was look at me with a quivering lip and say, "I not big, I little...and I want my BB."  Oh. my. word.  Breaks your heart.

But after a bit of crying and a couple of hugs from Daddy, he went to sleep. 

Now, the problem is, what if today he finds his BBs.  Because, remember, there are two of them somewhere in this house.  And what if Elliot finds them before we do?  And we do have an international trip on Monday.  Oyah!  I am not sure if I am up for this!

1 comment:

  1. oy. good luck with that one! i have to say i'm glad levi never took to the whole pacifier world. though, he's in LOVE with his "ni-night" blanket, and that will be a challenge someday... good luck, friend! wishing you safe travels!


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