
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Peppermint Lattes with no Extract

We're a bit confused around here.  Yes, tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we still have our fall decor out.  But, everywhere you look it's Christmas here.  Lights on houses, trees on tops of cars, decorations as the grocery store, Christmas music everywhere.  Seems as if the end of October signals the time to start decorating.

So.  In the spirit of being cultural relevant and all that, let me tell you about a new coffee creation.  Well, not exactly new, but maybe overseas friendly coffee creation.

I wanted to make a special something for our last bible study group for the year.  These girls really like coffee and peppermint lattes seemed like a good idea.  And then I went to three stores looking for peppermint extract and come up with nothing.   So, I improvised.  And it worked!

4 cups strong coffee
6 cups milk
1/2 cup brown sugar (white will work just fine too)
6 peppermint tea bags in 1 cup boiling water (let steep until really strong)

Heat milk and add the sugar.  After your strong coffee and peppermint tea has brew, add them right in.  Stir and heat for a few more minutes until the milk gets nice and frothy.

Serve with whipped cream if desired.


  1. good idea. or candy canes.

  2. Great idea. It didn't taste tea-like, huh? I may have to try this.

    1. nope, didn't taste teay at all...but remember, there was just one cup of tea and the tea I used was just peppermint leaves.


You are clever, tell me whatcha think!