
Thursday, October 31, 2013


When my mom was here (she left yesterday, sad.) we found pumpkins!!  As in real, orange, carve a silly face in them pumpkins!  And the mini kind too!!

So last Friday night we carved the one we got.  We decided we only needed one, and the two big boys could each carve a face, just on opposite sides.

This was Quinn's first experence with a pumpkin.  Last year we never saw one, but did find the mini ones.  So, he got to stick his hand in the guts and he was a little perplexed.

After we carved it and "light it up" as the boys say, we decided to make it last longer, we would put it in the fridge to ward off the mold.  And so far it's been working.

I will say though, it is a bit strange to open the fridge and see this guy starring at me from next to the olive oil and potatoe salad!

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