
Monday, June 3, 2013


Way back in August of 2011, we were able to help Will and Elaine Savell and their (then) two kids move to Costa Rica from Tennessee.   It seemed crazy at the time.  We had only been here about 3 months ourselves and we were giving advice on what they should pack, what to expect once they got here and just overall being a person on the ground that could help with their transition from the US to Costa Rica for their time in language school.  At the time, they thought maybe they would end up in Honduras (we did too).  Their son is Forrest's age, so they were in the same class together at school.  

While we went back to the States to have Quinn, they were brave and had Ally here!  Quinn and Ally are about 4 months and 8 pounds apart.

Well, as often happens in Missions, we get to have people for a time.  In 2 weeks, the Savells move back to Tennessee.  God has put them at the center of a ministry that provides incredible theological training for poor pastors through tablets of all things!  This means that Will is traveling around Latin America (and maybe the world even) and they need to be the face of the Grace Institute in North America.  So, for the second time in two years, they are moving internationally.  Pray for them!  That's a lot on a family and they've added a little person to the mix since last time.

As Tennyson said, ""Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all"  and so in the spirit of that, Saturday we had a Despidida here.  And what a party it was!    We knew there were going to be tons of kids, so we planned some fun games for a friendly competition over cookies.  There were sling shots and tin cans (because what guy, big or small, doesn't want to shot a sling shot at tin cans?)

bubbles (yes, even the adults got in on the bubbles.  It might have helped I weighted the point structure to be heavy on bubble blowing!)

bean bags and  ring toss

and an oh so hipster photo booth!  This was sooooo fun!  We made sure everyone stopped by the photo booth and wrote a message to the Savells.   I am going to put it all together and send it Will and Elaine (via something electronic, because they don't need to pack one more thing!)  Such fun stuff!

 My kids, however, didn't think it was fun. Whatever.  Other people's kids thought it was fun though.

  And I told Elaine this needs to be their new prayer card!

We grilled, everyone brought something to share and we just had a blast!  The only thing I wish I had done was made coffee for 45 people.  It dropped to the mid 60's that day and was rainy and damp.  Oh well.  Next time.

 We were able to pray with the Savells for this next time of transition, which was a sweet time of other people who understand all that it means to live internationally, be transformed by that, and go back a different person. 

The rain let up a bit and the boys decided to do what all Latin American MKs fútbol.  In the rain. In and amongst banana and mango trees.

It was hard on Forrest when Jack gave him a hug just before they left. He started to cry because Jack is his first friend here in Costa Rica.  Sigh.  This part.  It's not fun.  But, like we told Forrest, we can go visit Jack some time in the States, and who knows what will happen in this life!

We love you Savells!  Thankful for the time we've had with you and so excited to see what God is going to next with you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! And hate this. We had the best time and thank you so much for putting on the greatest party. It really was so wonderful. You are a good friend and I know we'll always be in touch. Love you Liz :)


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