
Thursday, February 7, 2013

The First Day of Escuela Kamper

First off, if you haven't added a comment to the coffee give away post, go over here and do that.  And then come right back.

Yesterday we started school here.  Forrest is now officially a kindergartener!  That 5 years sorta went by in a flash!

 And yes, it's February, but we decided to go with the Tico schedule this year for a lot of reasons.  We had thought maybe Forrest could go to a local school a couple of mornings a week, and do school at home a couple of mornings a week. However, that didn't work out, so we are going with the home school thing.  And really, that's just right.  It gives him plenty of time to play and explore and just learn the world around him as well as some more formal learning. He's got years and years to sit in a classroom. 

We're keeping it simple, but the boys seems to both be enjoying it. Elliot is right there in the mix with us, working on letters and numbers instead of reading and writing, but other things, like the stories and history lessons he's getting right along with Forrest.

Today we are also adding in swimming lessons to the mix, mainly for Spanish.  The boys did swimming lessons this summer and loved it (well most days), so we thought swimming in Spanish would be a good idea.  Today is a practice lesson, to see if they like it, if we like the teacher, etc.  It should prove to be interesting if nothing else.

And while we are homeschooling this year, it doesn't mean that will always be the case.  In fact, if you think about it would you pray for us regarding schooling?  There are a lot of factors to consider and we just need a lot of wisdom for each of our kids in this area.


  1. You have such a cute, orderly little school setup for your boys! Also, I like your line about wanting to choose the right schooling for each of your kids - my parents took a really individual "each kid each year" approach to our schooling, and I really appreciated that. Even though it turned out pretty crazy (there was one year where my sister and I went to different private schools in opposite directions - bad idea), I always felt loved by my parents because they considered my unique needs rather than just what was most convenient or what works for other kids. I'm sure living in Costa Rica complicates these decisions even more, but it looks like you're doing great work. Keep it up!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth...yeah, there is so much to consider, bilingual, spanish, english, American schedule, Tico schedule, how far away, the money! Yikes! It does seem a bit overwhelming at times...

  2. I hear you! The schooling decisions have been some of, if not the most difficult decisions we have had to make since moving down here. Take it one year it at time if you have to!
    Praying for you guys.

  3. First off-CUTE school! Love it! Oh the schooling decision. I don't think it matters where you live it is a hard one. Your situation makes it even more so. Next year we're going to have 1 in public, 1 homeschooled, and one in a co-op. I will be praying for you guys and your decisions right along with us praying about ours!!! We're taking it year by year.

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