
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Bath Tub from Heaven

When we were praying about finding a house here, we prayed often that it would have a great yard for the kids and a bath tub.  When we found this house, it had a fantastic yard and what we thought was a tub.

Well, the tub really didn't work as a tub.  It tried.  Really it did, but it was just too big and the drain didn't seal, and well, for as much as it wanted to be a tub, it wasn't.  So for the boys we resorted to buckets.  Which, really, was fine.

That's how they played in the bath together.

But the buckets didn't work well for mama.  I tried the big red one, and while it makes a great bath tub for a preschooler, for a grown human, it didn't work too well.  Oh, and did I mention my biggest unwinding method is a bath.  And good grief, have I needed to unwind in the last 4 months!

I kept praying about a tub, but didn't really see how God could make it work.  And then one day in early December, Noah mentioned something to our landlady about it.  To which she responded, "you know, I was thinking of putting one of those in soon!"  What?!?  So they talked about sharing the cost of it and the hunt was on for a tub to fit the oh so not standard space.  After several weeks we didn't here anything, and I thought it wasn't going to happen.

But two weeks ago, they called us late on a Friday night and asked if they could come install the tub the NEXT DAY! 

So now we have this!!

Yes indeed!  That is a real bath tub!!  It's wonderful  AND the hot water tank fills it up.  Don't laugh, that was a concern of ours, because we only get about 10 minutes of hot water from it.

Now, we still had to get creative with Quinn, because he doesn't sit up very well still and well, water and soap don't help the sitting action usually when you are 7 months old.  So here's what we came up with.  And yes, he loves it!

For me, the tub is such a reminder of how God loves to give good gifts to His kids.  And we are so thankful!


  1. God gifts the best gifts! How neat!

  2. So glad God has provided exactly what you need to unwind!

  3. Awesome...and Quinn is So.Stinkin'.CUTE!

  4. That is a BEAUTIFUL tub. What a blessing!


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