
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Want to Help Train Leaders?

Last week Noah had a message from a voluteer asking how to go about studying the Bible.  She had only ever read Romans and Psalms.  This hit right at the heart of our calling here, to help equip and train the next generation of Christian leaders here in Costa Rica.

One of the things that Noah will be doing with some of the volunteers next year is a Bible study on leadership.  We found a great resource, a 40 minute inductive bible study guide from Precepts Ministries, and it's even in Spanish! No need for translation work on this one folks!  I can't tell you what a help that is to Noah!

So here's where you get to share in this.  We are in need of 10 of the books for our volunteers who are in leadership.  We have looked and we can't get these books here in Costa Rica.  But, if you want to help us out, you can order a book or two by shopping off our Amazon Wish List.  When you order, they will be sent to a stateside address and then we have someone shipping them to us here in Costa Rica. 

So, if your interested, click on over to the Wish List.  Thanks!! 

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