
Friday, October 12, 2012

Nuestra Casa, Parte Dos

Ok, so most people don't show off their garage, but I am going to.  I really like it!  It's covered and attached, which if you need help understanding why that is important, think about an attached garage in Michigan in the winter, only here it's rain!

It has space for the 4Runner and a picnic table and still places to play.  Again, huge because of the rain!

Yesterday I finally figured out how to put up a clothes line.  It's not completely under it, but it gets a nice breeze.  And you all know how much I love my clothes lines!  I was able to get three lines on the top and three on the bottom.  You are looking at a full load of clothes and almost all the cloth diapers hanging up there! 

Yesterday I found those big Christmas tree lights and I strung them up over the picnic table.  I want about 8 more strands of them.  Won't that be a fun place to have a party?

And today as the boys were playing, I thought, "you know, if I could find a baby swing I can rig that up from the rafters for Quinn!  And maybe some hanging baskets of flowers here and there!  This place is going to look down right adorable by the time I am done!"

So thankful for this part of the house.  I think tonight we are going to have dinner out here and do something with the little tiny pumpkins I found at the store last week. 


  1. non steel belted tire makes a great baby/kid swing. remember ours? cut 2/3 of the tread section off and turn the tire inside out. elliot was right you need a tire. who knew? they would all love that.

  2. oooo good idea!! Then they all could ride in it!


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