
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Haven't Caught Up with Us in While?

In case you haven't been with us, for oh, the last year, you can catch up really quickly.  Here's the video that Noah put together about the year of language school.  Enjoy!


  1. What a precious video! Love love love the boys preaching!

  2. Great video!

    Just curious here: is a year of studying Spanish enough? (I'm sure you worked hard!) Is that enough to become fluent?

  3. Phyllis, the program we went with was designed specifically for Missionaries. Pretty much anyone heading to the Spanish speaking world (even Spain) will be there. While I wouldn't say we are fluent (are you ever really when it's your second language?) we can pretty much say whatever we want mostly correct:) I do plan on having a tutor for a while when we return in September to help with some of the finer points that got lost in the morning sickness phase of this last year! Ha!

  4. I like that: "we can pretty much say whatever we want mostly correct." I think that's about where I am after over 10 years with Russian. :-)


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