
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Way Up in the Sky

Well, here we are again, heading somewhere else.

Today we are flying back to the United States.  We'll take a direct flight from San Jose to Orlando at about 12:00 noon Costa Rican time (2 pm EST), spend the night there and tomorrow (April 27th)  take a direct flight to Grand Rapids (2:30 EST).  A far cry from the crazy trip we took in December to get back to Costa Rica.

Ask you think of us, would you pray for safe flights, ease through customs and with baggage, peaceful kids and just a good overall transition to the United States?

We've noticed that our kids have been having a hard time with this transition, more than the last. Please pray for their little hearts in all of this, that they would understand as much as they can what is going on, and that God would speak to them in a way they can understand.

Thanks all!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you guys this morning ~ even though the last two days have been your travel days. Sometimes the time after traveling is even harder. I like what you wrote about asking God to speak to the boys in a way that they can understand. I am so guilty of knowing all of the details but forgetting to share them with Elizabeth and then she ends up getting lost in the shuffle. There is nothing worse than behavior problems because I failed to prepare her for what is happening. Take care friend!


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