Monday, November 1, 2010

Trunk or Treat

When I was in college, the church I went to went all out with something called Trunk or Treat.  I don't think they were the ones to come up with the idea, but it was the first time I had experienced it and man it was crazy fun!  There was so much candy and prizes and just loving on the community around the church.  It felt like it went on for hours and hours.  I worked with a group of high school girls and ever year we would volunteer to do a trunk. Such fun!

Last year, a brand new little church here in Fairview pulled together Trunk or Treat.  We were downstate and out of country, so we didn't go.  But this year we did, and my oh my, what a fun time!  And it's so great for the community.  This was really the only thing like it in the area. 

Not only did the boys get more candy than they have seen in their lives, but they got to ride a donkey (they both were thrilled with that!  Forrest talked a million miles a minute, and while he was a bit shaky, he laughed and smiled the whole time!  And Elliot, well, he just got right up there, grabbed the horn and was off like nobody's business!) and tour a nursing home and just be plain overwhelmed.

Forrest kept asking me, "why do I need this Mom?"  Meaning the candy.  And on the way home he kept asking what the different types of candy were.  Because at three and half, he really doesn't know what candy is.  He gets 3 M&Ms from the accounting lady here at camp when we stop in to see her.  And the East Side cook gives him smarties, but that really is the extent of his candy knowledge.

Anyway, Trunk or Treat was great, the boys loved their costumes and a good time was had by all!


  1. I went to my first trunk or treat ever this year! it was great, so much candy in such a short time... genious. Ha! My spell check is telling me I'm spelling genious wrong! It's been a long day.

  2. Is his costume a skunk? Looks like a lot of fun. My kids were thrilled to get all the candy. And when they went to bed it all "disappeared". And they've never asked about it again. They don't get candy much either!

  3. nope, not a skunk Jenney, a Penguin...but he never kept the hood on!

  4. We do this at our church too! It's lots of fun! :)


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