

We are excited to be  partnering with United World Mission  to come alongside the Costa Rican church and train the next generation of leaders.  And you can get in on what God is doing in Costa Rica by becoming part of our support team!

There are a couple of ways to give.  Pick whatever is easiest for you!  And make sure to let us know how you would like to give; monthly, or yearly.  In addition there are short term expenses that you can ask how you can help cover. Just shoot us an email so we know what your plans are.

Give Online
Click Here and follow the directions.  You can choose to give by echeck or credit card.  If you give by credit card, we pay the 3% fee charged by the credit card companies.

Give by Check
Make checks out to United World Mission.  Leave the memo line blank, but include a note that says "For Kampers #27615"

Mail to:
United Wold Mission Donations
PO Box 602002
Charlotte, NC
United World Mission
PO Box 602002
Charlotte, NC 28260-2002 - See more at:
United World Mission
PO Box 602002
Charlotte, NC 28260-2002 - See more at: